After losing our Siberian Husky (Ruby) in February last year at the ripe old age of 16, we decided to take a break from dog ownership. But, with the intention of getting another dog whilst our children Zac (15) and Darcey (11) are still young enough to enjoy those puppy years they didn’t get a chance to experience the first time around.
Also, after over a year as a family we had begun to miss all those things we remembered a dog brought to family life.
So, we started on that journey to find that new family member and we decided that a Golden Retriever would be the ideal breed after my family met Olivia’s dogs!
What we had completely underestimated is the little things having a puppy has changed in our lives (already).
These things aren’t really that little – they are those things that matter.
Seeing my kids smiling, laugh and play.
We basically have two teenagers who spend a lot of time in their bedrooms, so we now see our kids much more!! Just because they want to spend time with the puppy.
Joking aside. As a family we are together more, sharing stories about our days – good and bad – we are laughing together more, typically at the crazy things an 11-week puppy gets up to.
There are so many more things!! (watching her pick up a 6 ft stick is one of the highlights!)
Pet owners talk about “the hole” losing a pet leaves in your life. It does. And their obvious things you think about missing, but what I hadn’t appreciated was the JOY this animal would bring to our lives and how she would connect our family even more.
I don’t really have a clever link to financial planning, but all I would say is if we can focus our time, energy and money on those things that give us joy & happiness everything else just fades.